Thursday, February 24, 2011

Refilling with the Wrong Fuel: How Dangerous?

There are some vehicle problems that drivers have already learned to tolerate, and there are also others that can cause instant panic among drivers. You have engine overheating as an example of the latter. Another panic-inducing problem (more like a mistake) that a driver can encounter is refilling the gas tank with the wrong kind of fuel.

There’s diesel fuel, and there’s petrol fuel, and each car is built to run using only one fuel type. So, you can’t refill your car with just about any type. But, there are instances when mistakes happen—you’re distracted, perhaps, or if you’re in a hurry and you overlook that fact. You run a few miles and you suddenly hear your engine sputtering and you realize with horror: you filled up with the wrong fuel!

The tendency for most drivers here is to panic and have their car towed to the nearest auto repair shop. And why not, we’ve all heard about complete engine damage and thousands of dollars for repair brought by this simple mistake. And, some auto mechanics take advantage of your fear and panic to rip you off.

Well, before you start to worry and panic, there are some facts that you must know so that you can avoid getting ripped off. One, refilling with the wrong fuel doesn’t ALWAYS lead to a damaged engine. And two, there are instances when a simple draining can already solve the problem.

The biggest factor that affects the outcome of this is the distance you have traveled after filling in with the wrong fuel. As long as you don’t start your engine after refill, in case you realize the problem immediately, you’ll be on the safe side. In case you have already driven your car, you can still be safe provided that you have only driven for a short distance. In this case, simply drain the tank and then refill with the correct fuel type.

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