Saturday, February 5, 2011

DIY Saturday: How to Replace Your Oil Pan

The oil pan in your vehicle serves as the storage container of the oil used to lubricate the engine as it works. It is the main oil reservoir, so it’s carefully placed underneath your ride to secure the oil inside it. There are instances, though, when the pan gets damaged and leaks. And during these instances, it’s but normal for drivers to panic and come running to their trusted mechanic for a replacement. After all, an unattended pan that’s damaged could cause more serious damage on the engine.

But, before you think of going to an auto repair shop, you might want to know that you can actually replace the pan on your own—the process is easy if you have the right tools. Check these out:

You will need:
* The new oil pan and gasket
* Wrenches for removing the oil pan plug and the oil pan bolts

  1. Gain access to the oil pan and drain all the oil in the said container by removing the oil pan plug.
  2. Once all the oil has drained, it’s time to remove the pan. Remove all the bolts that connect the pan to the engine using the wrench.
  3. Clean the engine surface and remove any remaining gasket before preparing the new pan and gasket for installation.
  4. Carefully line up the gasket with the oil pan.
  5. Line up the pan (with gasket) with the engine, and replace the bolts in their proper location.
  6. Fill with oil and inspect for leaks.
The process is easy and does not take a lot of time to finish. And with the basic tools needed, it’s one task that you will have no problem doing in your garage. All you need to spend on would be a high-quality replacement pan and gasket.

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