Saturday, March 5, 2011

DIY Saturday: How to Change an Air Filter (Part 1 of 3)

Among the components of your vehicle that require periodic maintenance, inspection, and replacement are the filters. Because they constantly deal with fluid or air, and contaminants, they lose their trapping ability over time and they can restrict flow of air or liquid (fuel or oil). One of the important filters in your car is the air filter. It directly affects engine performance and should therefore be maintained well.

Because of its importance, no wonder it’s one of the components that many mechanics will ask you to replace when you bring in your car for a check. But, how do you really know whether the mechanic is telling you the truth or if he only wants some extra dollars? Well, air filter servicing is advised every 15000 miles. And, you’ll be glad to know that the process is easy and one that you can DIY. It’s a straightforward process that requires simple removal and installation. Shall we start?

Things you need:
* Screwdriver (standard and Philips)
* Rag for cleaning
* New air filter

  1. You’ll find the air filter in your engine compartment, so be sure that the engine is cool when you do this job.
  2. Open the hood and prop it up, then find the casing that holds the air filter. Sometimes, there is a housing inside, which holds the filter within it.
  3. You can use the screwdriver to pry open the casing and remove the clips. When you see the housing inside, remove the screws to open it.
  4. You will see the filter inside the housing—simply remove it and clean the housing with the rag.
  5. Lastly, put in the new filter and replace the screws and clips.
With these simple procedures, you can already do the air filter replacement on your own without relying on your mechanic.

Next Week: One whole week of how to’s  and DIY tips for all your replacement and repair needs.

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